Biblical Prophecies About Prophet Muhammad (saw)
Preliminary question
The Bible is the apocalyptic classic of Judaism and Christianity. The Christian Bible consists of the Old Testament and the New Testament. There are many translations of the Old Testament of the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church, but their translations are not recognized by Protestantism. The Jewish Bible only includes the Old Testament texts that are recognized by Christianity. Of course, the arrangement of Jewish classics is very different from the canonical canon of Christianity. The advent of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has indeed been predicted in the Old Testament and the New Testament.
Jesus (the prophet Isa) and his twelve apostles were considered to be in Aramaic. The Aramaic language has been used until 650 AD and was eventually replaced by Arabic. However, the Bible that is now common is not based on Aramaic manuscripts, but on Greek and Latin translations.
The Bible contains prophecies about the Prophet Muhammad. This does not mean that Muslims must assume that the Bible today is the original revelation of Allah. Although Islam requires Muslims to believe in all the classics that were revealed before the Qur’an.
One prophet predicted that the coming of another prophet was not necessary and immutable. The Prophet Musa (the Moses in the Bible) was an prophet to Pharaoh and his people. The previous prophet did not have any prophecy about him; the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham in the Bible) it was the messenger that Allah sent to Nimrod and his people, and the previous prophets did not leave any prophecy; Nuha (Noah in the Bible), Lot, and other prophets are true prophets and messengers of Allah, and there was no prophecy about them before. Therefore, to prove whether a messenger is a true messenger, can not be limited to some of the previous prophecies, but to see the mission he brought and the miracles he showed.

Discussing prophecy is a tricky issue. It needs to study various versions of the Bible and its translations. Several manuscripts have recently been discovered, in Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic, and are under study. This work is very difficult. “…In the previous print (15th century), all copies of the Bible showed significant differences in the plaintext.” This adds to the difficulty of the study. For ordinary people, it is really difficult to match. To this end, the best evidence comes from the testimony of ancient and modern scholars who acknowledge the predictions of the region.
We have some records of early Jewish rabbis (Jewish scholars) and Christian monks. These monks and rabbis have witnessed that Muhammad is indeed a prophet in the Bible prophecy. Here are some examples:
Promised prophet
Before Islam, Jews and Christians living in the Arabian Peninsula were waiting for a prophet. Before the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), the vast majority of people living on the Arabian Peninsula were polytheists and some Jews and Christians. Sometimes Jews and Christians also fought each other. Both Jews and Christians said to each other: “It is time for the waiting prophet to come. He will revive the legacy of Abraham (the Prophet Ibrahim). We will join his team and launch war to conquer. You.” After the Prophet Muhammad announced his sacredness, some of them converted to Muslim, and some refused him because of jealousy. This is why Allah reveals the following verses:
“When a scripture can prove all their scripture, when Allah descends on them (they don’t believe it). They used to pray and hope to use it to overcome the unbelievers, but when the truth they already know came to them At that time, they did not believe it. Therefore, the rejection of Allah is added to the unbelievers. (Quran 2:89)
The first witness was Buhaira. Is a Christian monk. He acknowledged that Muhammad (SAW) was the messenger. At that time, Muhammad was still very small, so the monk told the messenger’s uncle and asked him to carefully protect Muhammad (SAW):
“A great mission will come to your nephew and take him home quickly.”
The second witness was Waraqah bin Nawfal. It was a Christian scholar in the ignorance of the time, proficient in Hebrew and the Bible. He died shortly after meeting with the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Waraqah confirmed that Muhammad (SAW) was the messenger of Allah’s dispatch and accepted the revelation like Moses (the Prophet Musa) and Jesus (the Prophet Isa).
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The Jews living in Medina were anxiously waiting for the arrival of a prophet. The third witness and the fourth witness were two of them, Abdullah bin Salam and Mukhayriq.
The sixth witness and the seventh witness were the Yemeni Jewish Rabbi: Wahb ibn Munabbih and Ka’b al-Ahbar (died 656 CE). Ka’b al-Ahbar found a long paragraph in the Bible that Moses predicted the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and praised him.
The Qur’an states:
“The scholars of the descendants of Israel know it. Isn’t this a sign for them?” (Quran 26:197)
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