HomeArticlesBiblical Prophecies On The Advent Of Prophet Muhammad In The Old Testament

Biblical Prophecies On The Advent Of Prophet Muhammad In The Old Testament

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The Bible says: “I will raise up to them a prophet from among their brothers, like you (Moses), and put my words in his mouth, and he will tell them all that I command him.”

Many Christians consider Jesus to be the embodiment of this prophecy. Indeed, the Old Testament predicted the coming of Jesus, but not in this verse. Under the description of Moses, Muhammad is more suitable, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. So, Moses said from the words of the Lord:

2. The expected prophet will be from the brothers of the Jews.

This verse speaks clearly about the brothers of the Jews. Abraham had two sons: Ismail and Isaac. Jews are the descendants of Isaac’s son Jacob. The Arabs are the children of Ismail. So, the Arabs are the brothers of the Jewish people. The Bible confirms:

‘He shall live (Ishmael) in the presence of all his brethren” (Genesis 16:12)

The children of Isaac are the brothers of the descendants of Ismail. So Muhammad is the brother of the Israelites, for he is a descendant of Ishmael, the son of Abraham.

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3. The Lord will put His words in the mouth of the expected prophet.

The Qur’an speaks of Muhammad:

“He does not speak on a whim. These are but revelations that are inspired “(Quran 53: 3: 4)

These words are quite similar:

“… and I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell them all that I command him” (Genesis 18:18)

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The Prophet Muhammad came with a message for all mankind. Everyone, including the Jews, must heed his call. This is confirmed by the following words:

“The LORD thy God shall raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, as I am,’ Hear him ‘(Deuteronomy 18:15)

4. Warning for disobedient

 “… but whoever does not listen to my words, which the prophet will speak in my name, I will require it from that” (Deuteronomy 18:19)

By the way, Muslims start each chapter of the Qur’an with the words ‘In the name of the Lord, the Compassionate, the Compassionate.’

Abdul-Ahad Daoud is a former Catholic priest David Benjamin Keldani. After the adoption of Islam, he wrote the book “Muhammad in the Bible.” He writes about the prophecy in the chapter “Deuteronomy”:

The first observer

“If these words are not applicable to Muhammad, then the prophecy has not come true so far. Jesus never called himself the prophet about whom Moses spoke in this chapter. Even his disciples held the same view: they were waiting for the second coming of Jesus, so that the prophecy would come true (Acts 3: 17-24)

And until now, indisputably, the ‘first appearance of Jesus’ is not the advent of “a prophet … like you’, and his secondary appearance can hardly fulfill these words. Jesus, according to his church, will appear as a judge, not as a legislator, but the “promised” must come with a “fiery law” in his “right hand.”

The second observer

Muhammad Asad (formerly Leopold Weiss) was born in 1900 in the city of L’viv (German Lemberg, in those years was part of the Austrian Empire). He was a descendant of the dynasty of rabbis. His father, having become a lawyer, interrupted this long line. Assad himself received a thorough education, sufficient to continue the family tradition of the rabbis. At an early age, he learned Hebrew and was familiar with Aramaic. He studied the original of the Old Testament and Talmud’s commentaries (Mishnu and Gemara), delved into the subtleties of the Aramaic interpretation of the Bible – the Targum.

Commenting on the verses of the Quran: “Do not clothe the truth in a lie, and do not hide the truth, whereas you know it” (Quran 2:42) he writes:

“By” putting truth into falsehood, “we mean the distortion of the biblical text, in which the Qur’an often accuses the Jews (which was established by the textologists), and by” concealing the truth “is meant deliberately a false interpretation of the words of Moses:” A prophet from among you, from the brethren As the LORD your God will raise up for you, “listen to him …” (Deuteronomy 18:15), and ‘I will raise up to them a prophet from among their brethren, like you (Moses), and put my words in his mouth , And He will tell them all that I command Him ‘(Deuteronomy 18:18). “Brothers” of the sons of Israel – this is clearly the Arabs, or rather those of them that were called “Musta’rib,” whose origin dates back to Ismail and Abraham. Since this is the group to which the tribe of the Arabian prophet, the Quraysh, belonged, the above-mentioned verses from the Bible speak of the arrival of none other than Muhammad. “


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