HomeDUADua to establish regular prayer (Prophet Ibrahim)

Dua to establish regular prayer (Prophet Ibrahim)

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Those familiar with the story of Prophet Ibrahim (as) know that he struggled in his old age to have children. Parents know the love and joy a child can bring into the world. When you want to have children but cannot, it’s a difficult situation many have to face. Prophet Ibrahim (as) prayed constantly to Allah asking him for offspring of his own and Allah subhanu wa ta’ala did eventually responded to his prayer granting him two sons, Ishamel and Ishaq (may peace be upon them).

And so, in the ayah leading up to these two verses, Ibrahim (as) was expressing his gratitude “Praise to Allah, who has granted to me in old age Ishmael and Isaac. Indeed, my Lord is the Hearer of supplication.” (14:39 )

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He then continues his du’a to make him and his children among those who never miss the opportunity to offer Salah. He asks that Allah hears and accepts this du’a and then broadens the scope of his prayer to ask for the forgiveness of himself, his parents, and the entire Ummah on the day of Qiyamah (day of judgment).

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