HomeHistoryEgypt Islamic History

Egypt Islamic History

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Al-Azhar University (Egypt Islamic History)

Al-Azhar University in the city of Cairo, Egypt, is one of the oldest universities in the world. It is associated with a mosque in Cairo, named after Fatima Az-Zahra (may Allah be pleased with her), the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (saw), from whom the Fatimid dynasty claimed to be born. Research began in Al-Azhar in the month of Ramadan in 975 CE. The university (Jamiah) had faculties of Islamic law and jurisprudence, Arabic grammar, Islamic astronomy, Islamic philosophy and logic. In the 12th century, after the overthrow of the Shiite Fatimid dynasty, Salahuddin Ayubi turned Al-Azhar into a Sunni Sunni training center.

Al Azhar University

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Source:  ClassicalIslam.com by graduate of Darul-Uloom London, Wikipedia

The Citadel (Egypt Islamic History)

The Citadel (Al-Qala) is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Cairo. It was originally founded in 1176 CE by the famous Muslim general Salahuddin. It houses the mosque of Muhammad Ali, the mosque of Mamluk El-Nasser Muhammad and the smaller mosque of Suleiman Pasha El-Khadim.

The Citadel Cairo

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Source: Cairo – Cardogan guides

Mausoleum of Imam Shafi (may Allah forgives him)

This is the mausoleum (in Cairo) of Imam Shafi, the founder of one of the four rites of Sunni Islam, who died in 820 CE. The cenotaph was laid down here by Salahuddin Ayyubi, and the mausoleum – the wife of his brother, who is also buried here.

Mausoleum of Imam Shafi

Source: Cairo – Cardogan guides

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Mosque Amr ibn al-As (may Allah be pleased with him)

Amr ibn al-As (may Allah be pleased with him) was the sahabi (companion) of the Prophet (saw) and the military leader best known for leading the Muslim conquest of Egypt in 640 CE. This mosque in Egypt was built on the site of its tent in the city of Fustat (meaning the City of tents). The original structure was the first and oldest mosque ever built on the land of Egypt and Africa.

mosque of amr ibn al as ra

Mount Sinai (Egypt Islamic History)

Rising to a height of 2,286 m, Mount Sinai is considered to be the place where Musa (peace be upon him) received the 10 commandments. At the top are the 12th century masjid (mosque) and a small chapel. Please note that some archaeologists believe that the real Mount Sinai is Jabal Al Lawz in Madian, Saudi Arabia

Mount Sinai Egypt

Source: Wikipedia

Burning Bush (Egypt Islamic History)

According to Christian sources, this bush, located in the St. Catherine Monastery in the Sinai Peninsula, is a descendant of the original Burning bush, from which Musa (peace be upon him) heard the Lord speak. The exact location of Burning Bush is disputed, but, by all accounts, it was in this area of Mount Sinai.

Egypt Islamic History: Al-Azhar, Citadel, Shafi, Mount Sinai, Firon, Burning


Source: Eyewitness Travel: Egypt, Wikipedia

Firon’s body (Egypt Islamic History)

This is the body of Firon (Ramses II), who is considered the pharaoh in the time of Musa (peace be upon him). His mummy has been preserved and is currently on display in the Royal Mummies Chamber in the Cairo Museum, Egypt.

Firon was a powerful tyrannical ruler who strongly persecuted Bani Israil (Children of Israel). Musa (peace be upon him) was sent to invite him to the truth, but he rejected his teaching, considering himself to be God. Musa (peace be upon him) accompanied by his brother Harun (peace be upon him) and Yusha (peace be upon him) brought Israel Bani out of Egypt, Firon and his army pursued them, but drowned in the Red Sea.

READ MORE: `Āshūrā’ and the Jews of Medina at a Glance

Currently, there are serious debates about who Pharoah is at the time of Musa (peace be upon him), and some call him Merneptah. However, most of the testimonies supported by the verses of the Holy Quran indicate that he was Ramses II. The Quran and the Bible [Exodus 14: 21-30 and Exodus 15: 19-21] say that Pharaoh drowned in the sea. However, the Quran is different from the Bible, and it makes a very unique statement that the body of the drowned pharaoh was saved as a sign for future generations. The Quran’s statement about the salvation of the body of Pharaoh is fully consistent with the fact that the body of Ramses II was preserved in mummified form. It was discovered in 1881 among a group of royal mummies, which were removed from their original tombs for fear of theft. The priests of the 21st dynasty reburied them in a cache in Deir al-Bahari on the Luxor’s west bank. At the time of the revelation of the Quran, nothing was known about the mummy of Ramses II.

Firon's body
Firon’s body

As for the end point of his life, Allah (ﷻ) mentions in the Holy Quran in Surah Yunus:And We took the Children of Israel across the sea, and Fir’aun (Pharaoh) with his hosts followed them in oppression and enmity, till when drowning overtook him, he said: “I believe that Lâ ilâha illa (Huwa): (none has the right to be worshipped but) He,” in Whom the Children of Israel believe, and I am one of the Muslims (those who submit to Allâh’s Will)” . [Quran – 10:90]

However, this appeal was not accepted at the last minute, since it was not sincere. According to the Qur’an, Allah (ﷻ) further exclaimed:

91. Now (you believe) while you refused to believe before and you were one of the Mufsidûn (evil-doers, corrupts, etc.)

92. So on this day we will deliver your (dead) body (from the sea) so that you can be a sign for those who come after you! And truly, many of mankind do not pay attention to Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs , revelations, etc.). ” [10: 91-92]

Source: Islamic-awareness.org

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