True happiness and well-being can only be obtained through submission to the will of Allah the Creator of creators of this world. Allah said in the only Quran:
“And is it not by the remembrance of Allah that hearts are comforted” (Quran 13:28)
And for any one who turns away from the only Quran the words of Almighty Allah knows the hard life in this world. For Allah said:
“But whosoever turns away from My Reminder (i.e. neither believes in this Qur’ân nor acts on its orders, etc.) verily, for him is a life of hardship, and on the day of accountability we (Allah) will resurrect him blind.” (Quran 20: 124)
This may explain to us why some people commit suicide, despite the material well-being that money can give. Recall the example of Kat Stevens (now his name is Yusuf Islam), who in the past was a famous pop singer, who sometimes earned more than 150 thousand dollars in one evening. After he converted to Islam, he found true happiness and peace, which he could not find in material well-being.
The concept of happiness in Islam. Various views
The development of human views on the means by which happiness can be achieved.
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Happiness is probably one of the most significant concepts in human life, but despite this, science still cannot tell a lot about it. Even the definition of happiness itself is vague. What is happiness? Idea, emotion, philosophy, a certain image? Or maybe this is something that lies in the genes? No one can give an exact answer, although everyone wants to sell “happiness” – drug dealers, drug makers, Hollywood, toy makers, and various teachers in self-improvement courses, and, of course, Disney, the creator of “the happiest place on Earth. ” Is it possible to actually buy happiness? Is it possible to acquire it, having reached the top of pleasure, having gained fame and wealth, having unlimited freedom? In this series of articles, we will briefly review how the understanding of happiness in modern society has developed and how it has become. After this, let us consider what Islam says about the meaning and means of achieving happiness.
The concept of happiness in Western culture
In modern culture, the view was fixed that happiness is achieved with the advent of wealth, power or popularity. Many young people dream of becoming idols of pop music, and old people tend to break the roulette. Someone comes to the conclusion that happiness lies in the absence of fatigue, sadness and irritation. Others find happiness in mood-changing therapies. Historian Eva Moskowitz said that Americans are obsessed with the gospel of therapy: “Today, this obsession goes beyond all boundaries … There are already more than 260 different types of so-called 12-step programs in America.
The development of views on happiness in Western thought
Attitude towards happiness in the Christian world was based on the statement of Jesus:
“So you still have sorrow; but I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy ”(John 16:22)
Then, for centuries, the theory of happiness was constantly revised, but, in one way or another, it was based on the idea of ”original sin.” As St. Augustine explained this idea in the “City of God”: “Because of the original sin of Adam and Eve in Paradise, true happiness became unattainable in our present life”.

In 1776, Thomas Jefferson (one of the founding fathers of America), speaking of a successful century reflected in Europe and America, argued that the “pursuit of happiness” should be considered “self-evident truth.” It was a time when happiness was being spoken about so often and so confidently that for many people it was hardly necessary to prove it. As Jefferson said, it was self-evident. Providing “the greatest happiness for the greatest number” has become the moral duty of that century. But how could something like “self-evident” be “pursuit of happiness”? Was it really so obvious that happiness was our natural end goal? Christians recognize that people strive for happiness throughout their earthly wanderings, but they question the possibility of truly achieving it. Jefferson also, in one of his works, quite pessimistically expressed that the pursuit of happiness would ever lead to the desired result. “Absolute happiness … was never given by God to any of the creatures,” he wrote in his letter in 1763. He added: “Even the most fortunate of us in our life journey often encounters disasters and setbacks that can even crush him”. According to him, “our minds should be strengthened against such depressions and disasters,” he concludes, “and this should be one of the main activities and efforts in our lives.”
The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said:
“True wealth is not in possession of a large amount of property, but true wealth is the wealth of the soul” (Sahih Al-Bukhari).
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Islam is more than a religion; it’s a complete way of life. Nothing is too insignificant or important to be included in the teachings of Islam. Rejoice, be happy, stay positive and be at peace. This is what Islam teaches us, through the Qur’an and the Prophet Muhammad’s Sunnah (SAW). Each of God’s commandments aims to bring peace and happiness to individuals and this applies to all spheres of life, be it spirituality, economy, social relations, etc.
“Whoever, man or woman, does good while being a believer, We will make him live a good life. And We will reward him, certainly, according to his best actions. (Quran 16:97)
“But there are (also) those who say, ‘Lord! Give us what is good in this world and what is good in the hereafter; and preserve us from the punishment of the Fire. ” For them, there will be a good part of what they have acquired. »(Quran 2: 201)
Perfect and eternal happiness is only available to the human being in Paradise. Only here will we find total peace, tranquillity and security. Only then can we be free from the fear, anxiety and pain that are part of the human condition. Nevertheless, if we follow the guidelines of Islam, we can find happiness in this life. The key to happiness in this world and in the hereafter lies in our efforts to please God and to worship Him without associating Him with anything.