Improving the quality of Salah is just as important as its timely offer. Read this message to learn about five simple ways to improve the quality of your Salah.
Salah is the most beloved form of the God of ibaadah, which He Himself prescribed to us. The goal of Salah is to ever realize our Lord, the Creator and the Almighty, since this is indeed one of the most complete forms of “dhikr.” Perhaps, it is for this reason that Allah mentions in the Hadith of Qudsi:
Of all the ways by which my servant approaches Me, Salah is the most dear to Me (Bukhari).
Salah is one of the main blocks of Islam, which leads to success in this world and in the day of accountability. Undoubtedly, if we are firm in our prayers, everything else in life will also fall into place. Therefore, we must focus on attaining the “husha” in our daily prayer. Hushu performance lies in the level of obedience, humility, anguish and calmness in the heart due to the conscious awareness of the Greatness of Allah and greatness during the daily act of standing before Him.
Therefore, it is important that we consciously improve the quality of our daily prayer, and not for the sake of Allah, but for ourselves. What is the best way to contact Him through the fat? Below we have made some advices.
1. Focus and concentration
Be sure to focus on each step of your fat and focus on each transitional position in which you are. For example, be aware of your posture while visiting ruku, and then sujood. In essence, try to perform positions as precisely as you can. Also, do not rush into every part of the prayer. There is no prayer dear to our Lord, than that which is said with all my heart.
2. Preparing for Salah
Try to keep a working schedule that unites all five prayers and makes the point punctual. Clean yourself up by doing wazu with great care. Find a and quiet place to offer salah, preferably on Masada, with minimal distractions and noise. Do not forget to decorate clean and modest clothes for a meeting with your Creator.
3. Understand what you are reading
In order to establish a deeper connection with the Almighty, we must make efforts to understand the true meaning of the verses so that we can connect our hearts with it. Understanding the meaning of what we read during our daily prayers, we will see the new found depth and sweetness in our fat, and, therefore, it will bring us closer to Allah.
4. Understand and Avoid Shaitan’s Attempt to Track You
As soon as the believer begins his prayer, the devil whispers to him / her ear to create a distraction and fill his mind with anything and everything except the thoughts of Allah. Shaitan perfectly understands that the remembrance of Allah draws you closer to Him, therefore he endlessly tries to distract your mind and heart from your prayer. If you ever feel that your mind is wandering, do not give the devil the power to break your fat and actively seek refuge with Allah from him during the rest of the prayer.
5. Continuously make “Dua”
Dua is one of the most powerful tools a believer possesses. Dua gives you a direct passage to God, where there is nothing but you and your Creator. Take every salah as an opportunity to talk with Allah. If you are experiencing difficulties in life, turn to Him. If you do not know what path to take in life, ask Him. If you feel emptiness in your heart, ask Him to fill it. If you feel the blessing and content in life, do the dua and thank Him for all His mercies and for giving us the blessing to be able to pray and pray to Him, despite our many shortcomings. We must do so to pray every salah, as if this is our last prayer on earth, as Allaah says in the Qur’an:
“Remember Me, I will remember you …” (Al-Baqarah 2: 152).
Do your daily prayer in a satisfactory way, and this will certainly lead to positive changes in your life.