Islamic Spiritual Concept: Before discussing the spirituality of Islam, we should first distinguish it from other religions and philosophies. Otherwise, it is difficult to comprehend. The spirituality of Islam is not only transcending the dualism of mind and object, but also the concept of integrity and unity in life. core.
Body And Spirit Conflict
For a long time, many religions and philosophical thoughts have completely separated the body from the soul, and believe that the two are in opposition to each other. The body is the cage and shackles of the soul, which limits the growth and development of the soul. Therefore, it is inevitable to divide the world into two parts, material and spiritual.
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Those who choose the material world feel that they do not need spirituality, and the pursuit of the goal is only material and pleasure. Regardless of social, political, spiritual, and cultural life, they are separated from their spiritual level, leading to various injustices and arbitrariness in society.
On the contrary, those who choose the spiritual world are separated from the world, do not let the material grow up, live a life of self-denial and abstinence, and feel that it is a necessary process of spiritual development and perfection. They invented the spirit of perseverance, extermination of human desires, desalination needs, choose the mountains and forests, live the hermit life living away from the group, pursue spiritual development, and prevent the noisy world life from affecting their meditation. If you don’t need to live in seclusion, you can let the spirit develop. It seems to them that it is a fantasy.
The separation of body and soul makes people tend to the limits of two perfect evolutions. One is that they learn the life of birds and beasts, no longer live as noble as human beings; one is to break the physiological limit, develop the ability of the clairvoyant ear, and let the incurable disease rejuvenate.
The spirituality of Islam is essentially different from these. As the ruler of God, mankind has its own rights and obligations on the earth, and must use all conditions to follow the instructions of God. The body and the soul must cooperate in order to practice and fulfil their obligations. The body is the training ground of the soul, not the shackles of the soul. The development of the soul depends on the cooperation and help of the training ground. The world is not the place of punishment for the soul, but the place where Allah is sent to fulfil the obligation.

Therefore, the development of the spirit is inseparable from the body and the material. People should be integrated into society and do everything they can to be kind to themselves and everything around them. This is a test in itself. Every aspect of life is a test for human beings. It is like a test paper, including family, neighbours, society, markets, offices, factories, schools, courts, police stations, parliaments, battlefields, etc. Question, we need to answer them one by one. If we hand in the white paper, it means that it has not passed the test. We can only achieve success and development if we participate and answer these questions wholeheartedly.
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Islam rejects and condemns the ascetic life, and encourages material and spiritual development together, choosing to enter the world instead of living. True spiritual development takes place in everyday life, not in the state of spiritual hibernation.
Standard Of Spiritual Development

How does Islam judge the development and decline of the spirit? As the ruler of the earth, mankind is responsible for Allah. We are obliged to use the various abilities and potentials that God has given us to play our due role and win the approval of God. The words and deeds in dealing with people should also be in line with the joy of God. In short, all activities should be guided by God’s will, complete with responsibility, humility, obedience, seek the joy of God, and be closer to God. In Islam, spiritual development is inseparable from God. Failure to approach God is only a manifestation of laziness and disobedience. Being away from God means spiritual weakness and decline.
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Therefore, in the Islam point of view, the so-called religious life and secular life are consistent. In all fields, the so-called religious people should be more enthusiastic and passionate than the secular, and should actively participate in family and social life, from the family to the entire society and even the international arena.
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The difference in people’s behaviour is mainly based on the nature of their relationship with God and the purpose behind the behaviour. If the religious people do what they think are responsible for God, they must protect the sacred, behave in a manner consistent with God’s laws, and avoid letting material life become spiritual speculation. Secular people should not be indifferent to God and spirit, and make the entire material life a lack of spiritual spark.