Muhammad Biblical prophecies In The New Testament, Muhammad is not a false prophet: Discussion of prophecy in the Gospel of John, verse 14:16. The reasons why Muhammad best suits the description of the “Comforter”.
The Bible says: “And I will pray the Father, and he will give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever” (John 14:16)
So, Jesus promised another “Comforter”, about which we will talk further.
The Greek word “ho parakletos” is translated as “comforter”. More accurate translation ho parakletos – “he who intercedes for another” (Explanatory dictionary of the words of the New Testament, W. E. Vine). So, this is a person, not an incorporeal being. In Greek, each noun is of three kinds: masculine, feminine and average. In the Gospel of John (chapters 14, 15, 16) ho parakletos is a man. Pronouns in Greek must be matched in kind with the noun to which they refer .. So, with respect to ho parakletos the pronoun “he” is used. The New Testament uses the word pneuma, which means (“breath” or “spirit”) – this is the Greek equivalent of the word ruah, which is used in the Old Testament and is translated from Hebrew as “spirit.” Pneuma has a middle genus.
Today’s Bible is based on ancient manuscripts, the oldest of which dates back to the fourth century. Among them there were no two exactly identical manuscripts (“Our Bible and Ancient Manuscripts” by Frederic Kenyon). The existing Bible today is the union of several manuscripts, without any specific references. Bible translators try to find the “right” version. In other words, since they do not know which manuscript is “correct”, they determine for us which version is more suitable for a certain verse. Take, for example, “Gospel of John” 14:26 – this is the only verse of the Bible, which means “holy spirit” under Parakletos. However, the ancient manuscripts do not confirm that Parakletos is a “holy spirit”. For example, in the famous “Codex Siriakus” written in the fifth century and discovered in 1812 on Mount Sinai, text 14:26 reads “Comforter, Spirit” and not “Comforter, Holy Spirit”.
Why is it important? Yes, because in the language of the Bible, “spirit” means “prophet.”
‘Beloved! Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits, whether they are of God, because many false prophets have appeared in the world “(1 John 4: 1-3).
By the way, several biblical scholars treated parakletos as an “independent savior” (a figure that has the power to save), and not the Holy Spirit.
Then the question arises: was the “Comforter” promised by Jesus, the Holy Spirit, or the prophet-man? For this we need to consider the description of the “Comforter”.
If we continue reading 14:16 and 16: 7, we find that Jesus gives a description of the “Comforter” personality. So, from chapters 14 and 16 (the Gospel of John) we learn the following:
1. Jesus said that the “Comforter” is a person (Muhammad Biblical prophecies)
John 16:13 “He will speak”
John 16: 7 “For if I do not go, the Comforter will not come to you”
So the Holy Spirit can not be the “Comforter”, for he (the Holy Spirit) was long before the coming of Jesus, and stayed with him during his mission on earth.
John 16:13 – Jesus spoke of the “Comforter” as “he”, and not “it” seven times. Therefore, the “Comforter” is a person, not a spirit.
2. Jesus is called the “Comforter” (Muhammad Biblical prophecies)
‘My children! These things I write unto you, that ye sin not; But if any man sinneth, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous ‘(1 John).
Hence we see that the “Comforter” (parakletos) is a protective person.
3. The divinity of Jesus – innovation (Muhammad Biblical prophecies)
Before the Council of Nicaea in 325, Jesus was not considered the possessor of the divine nature. All but the Jews accepted him as a prophet from the Lord. As the Bible says:
“This is Jesus, the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee” (“The Gospel of Matthew” 21:11)
“They said to Him: what happened to Jesus of Nazareth, Who was a prophet, strong in deed and word before God and all the people” (“The Gospel of Luke”),
4. Jesus prayed to God for the Comforter (Muhammad Biblical prophecies)
“And I will pray the Father, and he will give you another Comforter …” (“The Gospel of John”)
READ MORE: The Prophecies Of Muhammad In The Quran
5. Jesus spoke of the purpose of the new “Comforter”: (Muhammad Biblical prophecies)
‘When he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth’ (John 16:13).
The Lord describes Muhammad in the Quran:
“O people! The messenger came to you from the truth from your Lord. Believe, then, it will be better for you … (Quran 4: 170)
“He will glorify Me” (“The Gospel of John 16:14).
The Quran, with which Muhammad came, praised Jesus:
“… whose name is Messiah Jesus, the son of Mary. He will be honored in this world and in the last life, and will be one of the associates “(Quran 3:45)
Muhammad also praised Jesus.
‘Who will testify that there is no deity worthy of worship, except God, who has no companion, and Muhammad is His slave and messenger, and that Jesus is the servant of the Lord, His messenger and His Word, with whom He addressed Mary, and the Spirit , Created by Him, that Paradise is the truth, and Hell is the truth, Allah will bring to Heaven, no matter what his deeds were “(Sahih Al-Bukhari, Muslim).
“… and when He comes, he will convict the world of sin and of righteousness and judgment …” (“Gospel of John” 16: 8)
The Qur’an states:
“They did not believe those who say:” Allah is the Messiah the son of Mary. “Mission Said:” O sons of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord. “Verily, whoever associates with Allah with associates, He was forbidden by Paradise. His sanctuary will be Gehenna, and the wicked will have no helpers. “(Quran 5:72)
“For it is not from Himself that will speak, but will speak what He will hear” (“The Gospel of John” 16:13)
The Qur’an speaks of Muhammad:
“He does not speak on a whim. It’s just a revelation that is being instilled. “(Quran 53: 3-4)
“But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of all that I have told you” (John 14:26)
“… The Messiah said:” O sons of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord … “(Quran 5:72)
Reminder of the main command of Jesus, which people forgot about:
“Jesus answered him: the first of all commandments is: Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is one Lord “(” The Gospel of Mark “12:29)
“… and the future shall shew you” (“The Gospel of John” 16:13)
The Quran says:
“All this is part of the narrative of the inmost things that we send down to you, O Muhammad” (Quran 12: 102)
Hudhaifa, a disciple of Muhammad, says:
Once the prophet addressed us with a speech in which he did not leave any unrevealed event that will occur before the Day of Judgement “(Sahih Al-Bukhari)
‘Let him be with you forever’ (“John 14:16”) This is said in the sense that his teaching will continue until the end of time.
Muhammad was the last prophet for all mankind. His teaching is fully preserved. He lives in the minds and hearts of his sincere followers who worship God by following his example. No man, whether Jesus or Muhammad, can live on earth forever. “Comforter” is also no exception. There can not be a hint of the Holy Spirit, for the dogma about him appeared only after the Council of Chalcedon in 451, four and a half centuries after Jesus.
It is about Muhammad who says:
‘The Spirit of Truth’ (“The Gospel of John” 14:17)
And this means “a true prophet,” as mentioned in John 4: 1-3.
And about him: “Whom the world can not receive, because He does not see Him and does not know Him …” (“The Gospel of John” 14:17) Many today did not even hear about Muhammad, many do not recognize this God’s prophet.
The Bible says: “But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit …” (“The Gospel of John” 14:26)
The Comforter or another meaning of Paracletos is the Protector, and it is Muhammad who will be the intercessor of all sinful believers on the Day of Judgment.
People will seek someone who would intercede for them before the Lord to ease the torment of the Day of Judgment. Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus will refuse to do this.
Then they will turn to our prophet, who will say: “I am the one who can (intercede).” So, he will become a defender of people. He will stand up for the people in the Great Fence Square. This is the praiseworthy place promised by God in the Koran:
Your Lord will lead you to a praiseworthy place (Quran 17:79)
The Prophet Muhammad said:
‘My intercession will be for those of my community who have committed great sins’ (At-Tirmizi).
“I will be the first intercessor in Paradise” (Saheeh Muslim).

According to some Islamic scholars, what Jesus said in Aramaic is more like the Greek periklytos, which means ‘one whom one admires.’ From Arabic, the name Muhammad translates as ‘worthy of praise, admired.’ In other words, periklytos is “Muhammad”, but in Greek. There are two strong arguments in support of this opinion. First, because of some documented cases where one word in the Bible was replaced by a similar one, it is possible that the original text contained both words, but the copyist missed one of them because of the custom of writing words very close to each other. Then the original should have been: ‘And He will give you another comforter (paracletos), admired (peryklytos)’. Secondly, we have the testimonies of at least four authoritative Muslims from different eras who thought the translation “admired, praised” by the possible meaning of the Greek and East Aramaic word recognized among Christian scholars.
Next are the names of those scientists who believe that the “Comforter” is Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
First (Muhammad Biblical prophecies)
Anselm Turmed (1352/55 -1425) is a priest and Christian scholar. After the adoption of Islam, he wrote the book “Tuhfat al-‘Arib f al-radd ala ahl al-Salib” (Undisputed answers to the arguments of the admirers of the cross).
Second (Muhammad Biblical prophecies)
Abdul-Ahad Daoud, formerly Catholic priest David Benjamin Keldani. By adopting Islam, he wrote the book “Muhammad in the Bible;’ where he says:
“There is not the slightest doubt that” Utesishite “means Muhammad.”
The third (Muhammad Biblical prophecies)
The name of Muhammad Al-Assad was already mentioned in this article. Commenting on the verses from the Al-Quran, where Jesus warned of the coming of Muhammad (“… to inform the good news of the Messenger who comes after me, whose name will be Ahmad” (Quran 61: 6), Assad speaks of the word “Comforter” (Parakletos):
“… this is undoubtedly the distortion of Periklytos (praiseworthy, praised) – the exact translation into Greek of the Aramaic term or the name of Muhammad. It is important to remember that the Aramaic language was the language of Palestine under Jesus and for several centuries after it, and therefore the language of the first (lost) Gospels. Because of phonetic similarity, it is quite possible that an interpreter (or, more likely, a copyist) has confused these words. The Aramaic Mawhamana and the Greek Periklytos have exactly the same meaning as the two names of the last prophet, Muhammad and Ahmad, both of which stemmed from the Hebrew verb “Hamid” (praise) and the Hebrew noun “Hamd” (praise).