Muslim Boys Names represent Muslim masculine names in Islamic society and the world. Here you find Top Muslim boys names meaning includes most trending names like Ahmad, Ali, Anas, Arham and Anaya. Meaning of top trending names includes Ahmad meaning Much Praised, One of many names of Prophet Muhammad; Ali meaning The High, Champion, Exalted One, islamic fourth caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib; Anas meaning Affection, Love, A perosn with qualities of joy and peace, Sahabi name and view all names are as following:
# | Islamic Name | Meaning |
1 | Aaban | Name of the Angel |
2 | Aabid | Worshiper |
3 | Aadil | Just, Upright |
4 | Aahil | Prince |
5 | Aalam | World |
6 | Aalee | Sublime, high |
7 | Aalim | Religious Scholar |
8 | Aamil | Doer, Work man |
9 | Aamir | Civilised |
10 | Aaqib | Follower |
11 | Aaqil | Intelligent |
12 | Aarif | Knowing, aware |
13 | Aariz | Respectable man |
14 | Aaryan | Of Utmost strength |
15 | Aashif | Bold, courageous |
16 | Aashir | Living |
17 | Aasif | An able minister |
18 | Aasim | Person who keeps away from sins |
19 | Aatif | Kind Affectionate |
20 | Aaus | Name of a tree |
21 | Aayan | God’s gift |
22 | Aazim | Determined |
23 | Abaan | Old Arabic name |
24 | Abbas | Gloomy look |
25 | Abd Al-Ala | Slave of the High |
26 | Abdul Aalee | Servant of the Most High |
27 | Abdul Adl | Slave of the just |
28 | Abdul Afuw | Slave of the one who pardons |
29 | Abdul Ahad | Slave of he who is one (Allah) |
30 | Abdul Aleem | Servant of the Omniscient |
31 | Abdul Alim | Slave of the All knowing |
32 | Abdul Awwal | Slave of the First One |
33 | Abdul Azeez | The servant of the most powerful |
34 | Abdul Azim | Slave of the great |
35 | Abdul Aziz | Servant of the powerful one |
36 | Abdul Baari | Servant of the Creator |
37 | Abdul Baasit | Servant of the Extender and Creator |
38 | Abdul Badee | Slave of the originator |
39 | Abdul Baith | Slave of the one who raises death |
40 | Abdul Baqi | Slave of the Eternal |
41 | Abdul Bari | Slave of the creator |
42 | Abdul Baseer | Slave of the All-seeing |
43 | Abdul Basit | Slave of the enlarger |
44 | Abdul Batin | Slave of the unseen |
45 | Abdul Fattah | Slave of the opener, slave of the giver of victory |
46 | Abdul Ghafaar | Servant of the Forgiver |
47 | Abdul Ghafoor | Servant of the Forgiver |
48 | Abdul Hafeez | Slave of the Protector |
49 | Abdul Hafiz | Slave of the Guardian |
50 | Abdul Hakam | Servant of the Arbitrator |
51 | Abdul Hakeem | Servant of the Wise |
52 | Abdul Haleem | Servant of the Mild and Patient |
53 | Abdul Halim | Slave of the Wise |
54 | Abdul Hameed | Servant of the Praiseworthy and the Ever-Praised |
55 | Abdul Hamid | Slave of the Praiseworthy |
56 | Abdul Hannan | Slave of the Merciful |
57 | Abdul Haq | Servant of the Truth |
58 | Abdul Haseeb | Servant of the Respected and Esteemed |
59 | Abdul Hasib | Slave of the Reckoner |
60 | Abdul Hayy | Slave of the Living |
61 | Abdul Jabaar | Servant of the Mighty |
62 | Abdul Jaleel | Servant of the Great and Revered |
63 | Abdul Jawwad | Slave of the Bountiful |
64 | Abdul Kabir | Slave of the Great |
65 | Abdul Kareem | Servant of the Noble and Generous |
66 | Abdul Karim | Slave of the Gracious |
67 | Abdul Khabir | Slave of the one who is aware |
68 | Abdul Lateef | Servant of the Kind |
69 | Abdul Maajid | Slave of the Excellence |
70 | Abdul Maalik | Slave of the Master, the Lord |
71 | Abdul Majeed | Servant of the Glorious |
72 | Abdul Mani | Slave of one who prevents |
73 | Abdul Mannan | Slave of the Benefactor |
74 | Abdul Mateen | Slave of the Firm |
75 | Abdul Mubdee | Slave of the Originator |
76 | Abdul Mueed | Slave of the Restorer, the Reproducer |
77 | Abdul Muhaimin | Servant of the Supervising, the Guardian and the Protector |
78 | Abdul Muhaymin | Slave of the Protector |
79 | Abdul Muhsin | Slave of the Benefactor |
80 | Abdul Muhyee | Slave of the one who gives life and sustains it |
81 | Abdul Muiz | Servant of the Giver of Might and Glory |
82 | Abdul Mujeeb | Servant of the Responder |
83 | Abdul Munim | Slave of the Generous |
84 | Abdul Muntaqim | Slave of him who punishes wrongdoings and seizes retribution |
85 | Abdul Muqeet | Slave of the Sustainer |
86 | Abdul Muqsit | Slave of the Just |
87 | Abdul Musawwir | Slave of the Fashioner |
88 | Abdul Mutaal | Servant of the Most High |
89 | Abdul Muti | Slave of the Giver |
90 | Abdul Muzanni | He was a narrator of Hadith |
91 | Abdul Nafi | Slave of the Propitious |
92 | Abdul Naseer | Slave of the Helper |
93 | Abdul Noor | Slave of the one who is Light |
94 | Abdul Qaadir | Servant of the Capable |
95 | Abdul Qadeer | Slave of the Powerful |
96 | Abdul Qadir | Slave of the Powerful |
97 | Abdul Qahaar | Servant of the Subduer and the Almighty |
98 | Abdul Qayyum | Slave of the Self-Subsistent |
99 | Abdul Qudoos | Servant of the Most Holy |
100 | Abdul Raafi | Servant of the One Who Raises (intellect, esteem), One who Elevates |
101 | Abdul Rabb | Slave of the Lord |
102 | Abdul Rafi | Slave of the Exalter |
103 | Abdul Raheem | Servant of the Most Compassionate |
104 | Abdul Rahim | Slave of the Compassionate |
105 | Abdul Rahman | Servant of the merciful one |
106 | Abdul Raqib | Slave of the Vigilant |
107 | Abdul Rauf | Servent of the merciful |
108 | Abdul Tawwab | Slave of the Acceptor of repentance, the relenting |
109 | Abdul Waali | Slave of the Governor |
110 | Abdul Wahid | Slave of the Unique |
111 | Abdul Wajid | Slave of the Finder, the Perceiver |
112 | Abdul Wakil | Slave of the Trustee |
113 | Abdul Waliy | Slave of the Protecting Friend |
114 | Abdul Wasi | Slave of the All Embracing |
115 | Abdul-Aalee | Servant of the Most High |
116 | Abdul-Adheem | Servant of the Most Great |
117 | Abdul-Aleem | Servant of the All-Knowing |
118 | Abdul-Baaqi | Servant of the Everlasting |
119 | Abdul-Baari | Servant of the Evolver |
120 | Abdul-Baasit | Servant of the Expander |
121 | Abdul-Barr | Servant of the source of Goodness |
122 | Abdul-Dhahir | Servant of the Manifest |
123 | Abdul-Ghaffar | Servant of the forgiver |
124 | Abdul-Ghafur | Servant of the All-Forgiving |
125 | Abdul-Ghani | Servant of the Self-Sufficient |
126 | Abdul-Hadi | Servant of the Guide |
127 | Abdul-Hafeedh | Servant of the Preserver |
128 | Abdul-Hakeem | Servant of the Wise |
129 | Abdul-Haleem | Servant of the Forbearing One |
130 | Abdul-Hameed | Servant of the Praiseworthy |
131 | Abdul-Haqq | Servant of the Truth |
132 | Abdul-Haseeb | Servant of the Reckoner |
133 | Abdul-Jabbar | Servant of the Compeller |
134 | Abdul-Jaleel | Servant of the Sublime One |
135 | Abdul-Kareem | Servant of the Most Generous |
136 | Abdul-Khaliq | Servant of the Creator |
137 | Abdul-Lateef | Servant of the Subtle One |
138 | Abdul-Majeed | Servant of the Most Glorious |
139 | Abdul-Majid | Servant of the Noble |
140 | Abdul-Malik | Servant of the Sovereign Lord |
141 | Abdul-Mu’eid | Servant of the Restorer |
142 | Abdul-Mu’izz | Servant of the Honourer |
143 | Abdul-Mughni | Servant of the Enricher |
144 | Abdul-Mujeeb | Servant of the Responsive |
145 | Abdul-Mumin | Servant of the Guardian of Faith |
146 | Abdul-Muqtadir | Servant of the Powerful |
147 | Abdul-Muta’alee | Servant of the Most Exalted |
148 | Abdul-Nur | Servant of the Light |
149 | Abdul-Qaadir | Servant of the Able |
150 | Abdul-Qahhar | Servant of the Subduer |
151 | Abdul-Qaiyoum | Servant of the Self-Sustaining |
152 | Abdul-Quddus | Servant of the Holy |
153 | Abdul-Rasheed | Servant of the rightly guided |
154 | Abdul-Rashid | Servant of the rightly guided |
155 | Abdul-Waajid | Servant of the Finder |
156 | Abdul-Wadood | Servant of the Loving |
157 | Abdul-Wahhab | Servant of the Best-ower |
158 | Abdul-Warith | Servant of the Supreme Inheritor |
159 | Abdullah | Servant of Allah |
160 | Abdur Rahman | Slave of Allah |
161 | Abdur Rashid | Slave of the Guide |
162 | Abdur Razzaq | Slave of the provider; |
163 | Abdur-Raheem | Servant of the Most Merciful |
164 | Abdur-Rahman | Servant of the Most Gracious |
165 | Abdur-Raqeeb | Servant of the Watchful |
166 | Abdur-Rasheed | Servant of the Guide to Right Path |
167 | Abdur-Rauf | Servant of the Compassionate |
168 | Abdur-Razzaq | Servant of the Provider |
169 | Abdus | Name of the narrator of one of the hadith |
170 | Abdus Sabur | Slave of the Forbearing |
171 | Abdus Salaam | Slave of the Giver of Peace |
172 | Abdus Samad | Slave of the Eternal, The Independent |
173 | Abdus Sami | Slave of the All Hearing |
174 | Abdus Sattar | Slave of the one who conceals faults |
175 | Abdus Shafi | Slave of the Healer |
176 | Abdus Subbooh | Slave of the Extremely pure |
177 | Abdus-Sabour | Servant of the Patient |
178 | Abdus-Salaam | Servant of the Source of Peace |
179 | Abdus-Samad | Servant of the Eternal |
180 | Abdus-Sameei | Servant of the All-Hearing |
181 | Abdus-Shaheed | Servant of the Witness |
182 | Abdus-Shakur | Servant of the Appreciative |
183 | Abdush Shahid | Slave of the Witness |
184 | Abid | Worshipper |
185 | Abisali | Warrior in Islam |
186 | Abrad | Hail, Mail |
187 | Abrar | Peity |
188 | Abrash | Spotted, Speckled |
189 | Absi | Probably from ABASA to frown; this was the name of Abdullah ibn-Musa, a scholar and reciter of the Quran, died 828/829 |
190 | Abt’hi | One who lives in Abtah, a place near Makkah |
191 | Abul-Hassan | The Son Of Ali |
192 | Abyad | A narrator of hadith was so named |
193 | Abyan | Elequent |
194 | Abzari | Seeds, spice, seedsman, one who sows; the Persian scribe and memoriser of tradition, Abu-Ishaq Ibrahim had this name |
195 | Adam | A Prophet’s Name |
196 | Adawi | Grandson of Sayyindina Umer |
197 | Adbul-Qawi | Servant of the Most Powerful |
198 | Adeeb | A literary Person |
199 | Adeel | Just |
200 | Adeem | Rare |
201 | Adel | Honorable Judge, One who Jugdes Fairly |
202 | Adham | Black |
203 | Adheem | The most great |
204 | Adib | Cultured |
205 | Adil | Just, Honest |
206 | Adiy | A companion of the Prophet; also the name of the son of Hatim Tiay known for his generosity; also the son of Thabit had this name |
207 | Adl | Justice |
208 | Adnan | A tribal ancestor of the Quraysh, the Prophet (S.A.W) was from this tribe; there were other noted men too later in history who had this name; for instance, word bin Hakim, a scholar of Basrah |
209 | Aduz Zahir | Slave of the Manifest |
210 | Adyan | A nabee was named by this name |
211 | Afaaq | The place where Earth & Sky meet |
212 | Afeef | Pure, Chaste, Pious |
213 | Affan | Forgiving person |
214 | Afham | Loving |
215 | Afif | Chaste, Modest |
216 | Afiq | Honest |
217 | Aflah | Gaining success-but the Prophet (S.A.W) has discouraged us from giving such names to our children; according to Sayyidina Jab (R.A), The Prophet (S.A.W) intended to forbid such names as Yala, Barakah, |
218 | Afraz | Standing tall like a mountain,ability to withstand all that is thrushed upon it |
219 | Afruz | Standing tall like a mountain, ability to withstand all that is thrushed upon it |
220 | Aftaab | Bright, prosperous, the sun |
221 | Aftab | Sun |
222 | Afzal | Best, top most |
223 | Agharr | Hansome, beautiful, distinguished illustrious, noble, Magnanimous. Name of a companion of the Prophet, bin al-Muzan |
224 | Ahab | Strong |
225 | Ahad | The one |
226 | Ahmad | Most highly adored |
227 | Ahmar | Red Coloured |
228 | Ahnaf | Name of one of the narrators of hadith |
229 | Ahsan | The best of all |
230 | Ahwas | Having narrow, contracted or squinting eyes |
231 | Ahyan | Gift of God |
232 | Ahzab | Name of one of the narrators of Hadith |
233 | Aidan | Help, intelligent |
234 | Aidh | Name of a reciter of the Holy Quran |
235 | Aijaz | Blessing |
236 | Aiman | Fearless |
237 | Aizat | Sweetness |
238 | Ajer | Reward |
239 | Ajlah | A narrator of hadith had this name |
240 | Ajmal | Beautiful |
241 | Akbar | Great |
242 | Akdas | Most holy book |
243 | Akeem | Wise |
244 | Akhas | A narrator of hadith |
245 | Akhdan | Best Friend |
246 | Akhfash | There have been several men of this name; there were grammarians of this name in the 8th / 9th century |
247 | Akhlaq | Behavion |
248 | Akhtar | A Star, good man |
249 | Akif | Attached, Intent |
250 | Akmal | Lion |
251 | Akram | More Generous |
252 | Ali | Noble, sublime, fourth Caliph of Islam |
253 | Alman | Kind, willing and wiseman |
254 | Almir | Prince |
255 | Altamash | Name of a famous king |
256 | Amaan | The most lovelable |
257 | Amaar | One who prays 5 times and fasts |
258 | Amam | Safety, Protection |
259 | Amayr | Crown |
260 | Ameer | Commander, Prince, Khalifah |
261 | Amer | Rich |
262 | Amin | Faithful, trustworthy, custodian |
263 | Amir | Prosperous |
264 | Amjad | More glorious, more illustrious |
265 | Ammaar | One with strong Imaan. Also a Sahabi , one of the early muslims, son of Yasir and Sumaya Rad |
266 | Ammar | Long of age |
267 | Amr | “By my life” |
268 | Anas | Love, affection |
269 | Anasah | The freed slave of the Prophet had this name |
270 | Aneeq | Valueable |
271 | Anees | Intimate, friendly |
272 | Aniq | Elegant |
273 | Anis | Close friend, companion |
274 | Anjam | Stars |
275 | Ansar | The first people who converted to the religion of Islam were the people of Ansar |