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15 Common Misconceptions about Muslims

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Muslims Common Misconceptions: This is a list of 15 common misconceptions about Muslims.

1. Muslims are Arabs.

An Arab is a person who speaks Arabic as his mother tongue, and only twenty percent of Muslims fall into this category. Millions of Arabs are Christians! There are about 300 million Arabic speakers in the world today. Arabic is the language of most twenty-three countries. Turkish, Iranian, Indonesian, Pakistani and other Muslims may feel offended if you assume that they are Arab.

2. Muslims are involved in jihad (war) against us.

The meaning of the Arabic word jihad is struggle. This usually means the struggle of the soul against itself and sinful desires. Muslims call this inner struggle a great jihad. Muslims also carry out social campaigns to eradicate poverty and hunger, which they also call jihad.

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3. All Muslims are the same, and all Muslims are Sunni or Shiite.

As in Christianity, there are many sects of Islam. The two main branches are Sunni and Shia, but there are thousands of subgroups, each of which has different doctrines, its own theology and different Islamic schools of thought and law.

4. We never hear Muslims oppose terrorism.

This lie is often repeated in the media and, unfortunately, by Christian leaders. Leading Muslim groups and scholars constantly condemn the extreme views of cruel Muslims, while at the same time preaching and refuting radical teachings. Google “Muslims against terrorism” and you will see it.

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5. Islam grows faster than any other religion.

Not true. Christianity also grow faster!

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6. Islam oppresses women.

Most of the oppression of women by Islam and Muslims, which is widely reported, is usually associated with local customs and traditions. Muslim women were presidents and prime ministers. Violence against women and forcing them against their will are not allowed by Islam. Caring for widows, orphans and the poor is one of the most powerful teachings of Islam. Unfortunately, many women are oppressed, but this is a global problem, not just Islamic oppression. The prevalence of abuse of women is no higher among Muslims than among non-Muslims.

7. Muslims live in the Middle East.

Most Muslims (one billion) live in Asia, mainly in South and Southeast Asia. More than 300 million Muslims live in sub-Saharan Africa.

The four largest Muslim populations live in Indonesia, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, each of which has more than 100 million Muslims.

The Middle East is an indefinite and often negative term that does not exactly reflect the whereabouts of Muslims.

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Most people who live in North Africa, on the Arabian Peninsula, and in southwest Asia, are Muslim, but they make up only about 20% of all Muslims.

Map of the Muslim population in the world

8. Muslims are ignorant and do not value education.

Muslims attach great importance to education. Many Muslims have a university degree, a master’s degree and a doctoral degree. Many Muslims speak several languages. Before the industrial era, Islamic universities were world leaders in mathematics, medicine, science, law, architecture, and many other areas of study. The scientific method is based on the Muslim progress of science. Muslims refer to the Quran as a stimulus to the knowledge of the world. Many Muslims come and study in our universities, but today the majority of Muslims are poor and do not have educational opportunities.

9. Muslims have little value on women, children and family life.

Muslims Common Misconceptions: 15 Common Misconceptions about Muslims
Muslims Common Misconceptions: 15 Common Misconceptions about Muslims

The Muslim community around the world highly values ​​family life. Family generations live together, often in the same house. Elderly family members are cared for in this environment; it is considered an honor, not a burden. It would be a shame to put them in nursing homes or nursing homes. Children are included in all walks of life and are usually the center of all family gatherings.

10. Muslims are archaic and little value culture and art.

While Europe was still in the Middle Ages, Muslim societies were successful in medicine, mathematics, physics, astronomy, geography, architecture, art and literature. In fact, the Renaissance was the result of ancient and new knowledge gained from Muslim universities.

11. Muslims do not believe in Jesus and are not interested in him.

Muslims greatly respect Jesus as the Prophet of God and value his teachings. Muslims often call their sons in honor of Jesus Prophet Isa (AS), whom they call Isa, although they do not understand Jesus as the son of God and do not understand that he died on the cross for the sins of mankind. In the Qur’an, however, Jesus is mentioned 93 times, and he teaches that he did wonders, was born of a virgin, and will return again as the Messiah. Muslims may ask you: “Why do Christians not follow the teachings of Jesus?”

READ MORE: 6 things you didn’t know about Jesus in Islam

12. Muslims worship the moon and the god of the moon.

There are some Christian groups who teach that Allah is an idol for the moon god. Others mistakenly accept the Arabic word Allah as meaning “god of the moon” because Islam uses the symbol of the crescent. This is a very offensive indictment for Muslims. Allah is an Arabic word for God, and it is very similar to the Hebrew word El and the Aramaic word Elah. The most fundamental belief in Islam is the worship of the one true God. Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews also use the Arabic word Allah for God, like all Arabic translations of the Bible. In Arabic, there is no other word for God. Muslims do not worship the moon. The use of the crescent as a symbol of Islam comes from the Muslim practice of following the lunar calendar.

13. Muslims support violence and terrorism.

The overwhelming majority of Muslims are moderate, pious people who suffer more from terrorism and violence than non-Muslims. Ninety-three percent of Muslims do not support extremist views on terrorism.

Gallup, Inc. conducted an indicative survey on moderate and extremist views in the Muslim world.

READ MORE: How To Accept Islam And Become A Muslim

14. Muhammad was the founder of Islam, and Muslims worship him.

Muslims believe that Muhammad was the last prophet of God and conveyed the last revelation of God. Muslims consider Adam to be the first Muslim. Muhammad is considered the best example of how to be a good Muslim. He is respected, but he cannot be worshiped. Worship is intended only for God, and it is strictly forbidden to worship anyone or anything else. Muslims can celebrate Mohammed’s birthday just as we can celebrate Martin Luther King’s Day or Columbus’s Day.

15. Muslims are lying about the fact that Islam is peaceful.

Most Muslims are moderate, devout, non-violent people who try to honor God in their lives. Muslim scholars who study the Qur’an explain Islam as the religion of the world, and most Muslims also view Islam as the religion of the world, preferring to let others live as they wish. The media sensationally perceive the views of a small percentage of violent extremists as a legitimate understanding of Islam as a community striving for global domination by force.

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