HomeIslamic KnowledgeQuran and Science Prove that Allah Almighty is the Creator and Sustainer...

Quran and Science Prove that Allah Almighty is the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe

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With the beginning of 21st century many people start shunting to believe on the existence of God professing that such beliefs are fluke rhymes. The lack of scientific facts have increased and cemented the concepts of Atheists that is because of the illogical myths and weird rituals that belittled the minds of people. The nature itself is Allah and existence and omnipotence is evident from science and Islamic narrations.

Undoubtedly the proof of something visible existed is far easy than the proofs of something not visible. Allah though is present in each creation yet is not visible to the naked eye. His presence is in small atom to the star of galaxy, small grain to the cells of brain, in creation of soul, death, and reincarnation of human physical body that proves His omnipresence and sole creator of the universe. However, the ignorant despite being theses proofs will never admit and accept because the Lord has sealed their hearts and they are deaf and dumb to the Hidayah.


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Quran and Science Prove that Allah Almighty is the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe

The example of those who disbelieve is like that of one who shouts at what hears nothing but calls and cries cattle or sheep – deaf, dumb and blind, so they do not understand.” [Quran 2:171]


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Quranic Scriptures About Divinity of God:

The detail study of Quranic scriptures makes it amply clear that Allah Almighty is the only creator and sustainer of universe. He is the first (Awalu), the last (Aakhiru) and the existent one (Qayyum). Quran the book that is sent down by Allah says:

Quran and Science Prove that Allah Almighty is the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe

“He is the First and the Last, the Ascendant and the Intimate, and He is, of all things, knowing.” [Quran 57:3] 

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One of the mostly asked questions about God’s existence is that how can you believe in Allah when you cannot see, hear and feel Him? Seeing the art of a painter, the aesthetic skills are required to judge his paining without even seeing him that latterly compel a person to applaud the painter’s existence and creativity. In the same way this entire universe is a painting that is prove of His existence about which He clearly has stated in Quran that there are signs for the believers in the creation of earth, clouds, heaven, and hell.

Quran and Science Prove that Allah Almighty is the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe
Quran and Science Prove that Allah Almighty is the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe

“To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tires Him not.” [Quran 2:255]


Intellect is Not An Enemy to Faith:

Allah has blessed humans to sense and then map senses over minds to think about the celestial creation and blessings of Allah. This intellect is bestowed upon humans to contemplate His teachings in order to worship Allah. Allah says in Quran:

“Do they not contemplate within themselves…? [Quran 30:8]

This verse propels a person to analyze himself, his body creation, working of his mind and then think of the divine Lord who is the creator being behind. Intellect is what instills faith and strengthens belief rather an enemy to make a person dumb in transgression.

Environment and Cosmology:

Probing environment and cosmology provides eminent facts to lay trust on the divinity of Lord. Science proves that the creation is through a big bang theory but the force was supernatural and no one but Allah holds the power to support it. The finest attribute of Lord is His precision be it regarding sun, moon or solar system. He has created everything in fine proportions and any havoc imbalance leads to terrible distractions. Ozone layer, Gayle, and hurricanes are the example of global warming and excessive use of materials that has disturbed the natural way of Universe.

Quran and Science Prove that Allah Almighty is the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe
Quran and Science Prove that Allah Almighty is the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe

“Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding.” [Quran 3:190] 

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Some Unmistakable Facts About God’s Existence:

The universe provides safe host to live in it, balanced and tempered. The modern day astronomers quoted the expansion of universe stating that high gravity leads to early expansion and collapse of universe whereas with slight gravity, the galaxies and stars would not come into existence but it is the exact stats and calculations of gravity that has hold back the universe. Allah prior their discoveries had stated in Quran that:

expander 51 47

“And the heaven We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander.” [Quran 51:47]  


One cannot decide one’s appearance, physical stature and creed as it is pre birth and already been decided with creation. If creation were in human’s hand until now they would have created their own clan and would be running a nation by now. Allah has created a human and his birth process is a miracle that only Allah knows and has supremacy to hold onto it. Quran says:

Quran and Science Prove that Allah Almighty is the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe
Quran and Science Prove that Allah Almighty is the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe

“And Allah has extracted you from the wombs of your mothers not knowing a thing, and He made for you hearing and vision and intellect that perhaps you would be grateful.” [Quran 16:78] 


Scientific Facts Addressing Allah’s Existence:

  1. It is Muslim’s sheer faith that Allah has created us to worship and glorify Him but the ignorant ones who keep on denying for them Quran is let alone suffice to prove it. There are few examples that Allah has stated in 14th century and science has discovered it now, an affirmation towards the existence of Allah the sole creator and sustainer of universe.
  2.  Allah long ago has invited humans to fly indicating the possibility of flying decades ago.
  3. The reverend Surahs indicated the existence of other creatures (Jin) and possibility of life on other planets prior the scientific discoveries.
  4. Earth is described as egg shape in Quran but the science later on stated that earth is round.
  5. The formation of honey is the task of female honeybee and now the biological features has cemented the divine fact of Quran .
  6. The formation of clouds and entire process of rain is as same as described in science books under the title of water cycle.

In short, the divinity of Lord is beyond human comprehension and irresistible fact. Quranic scriptures, narratives, and science are the institute unanimously agreed upon the sole creator existence and eventual sustainer. Still some deny His existence and marked themselves as Atheists, for them Allah has stated in Surah Rahman:

“And which of the favors of your lord will you deny?”

Source: Quran Reading

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