Last Updated on 9th June 2023
Misbah Anmol Tariq, Jamaica Correspondent
On 14 May 2023, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Trelawny held its second regional Jalsa Salana at the Falmouth Prayer Centre. Trelawny is one of the 14 parishes in Jamaica. Our Jamaat was established in this region over 15 years ago. Currently, we have members in various towns and communities across Trelawny, including Clarks Town, German Town, Duncans and Falmouth.
This year’s regional Jalsa was themed around the peaceful teachings of Islam, with an opening speech on the topic of “True Meaning of Islam”, delivered by missionary-in-charge, Tariq Azeem Sahib. Another speech was delivered by missionary Ahmad Forson Sahib about “Islam and Social Peace”. Mua‘llim Abdullah Malcolm Sahib, one of the senior missionaries, spoke about the Promised Messiahas and his Community.
The attendees listened attentively and also enjoyed the in-depth question-and-answer session near the end.
Brother Shuja Reid, who is the newest member of the Trewlany Jamaat, said:
“For me, the jalsa is a form of unification and represents unity within our community. I participated with the ultimate aim of getting even stronger in my faith, knowing that I am not the only one out there trying hard to get close to Allah, which I believe is the most important aspect of the jalsa.”
Gemialia “Ashara” Bryant, a young Lajna from the Trewlany talked about the insights she will take from the Jalsa by saying:
“The jalsa experience was great, and for me, it came at the perfect time. With my exams approaching, it was the best possible thing for me because I was so engrossed in secular things like my studies, etc., that I needed a refresher for my faith. Alhamdulillah, for jalsa for grounding me back into my religion and my duties towards Allah. I learned so much, as always. I really, truly needed that.”