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Some reflections on Christmas

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Next week on Tuesday will be December 25, 2018. On this day, our compatriots who follow the teachings of the Prophet Isa (Jesus Christ, may the peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him) will celebrate his birthday. Although there are many contradictions about his birth and death, there is a consensus among Christians regarding his mission on earth; While outside of Islam there is great ignorance about his position and status in Islamic chronicles, the Prophet Isa remains adored by the Prophet, and in him, besides other Prophets of Allah, Muslims should express their faith and strive to imitate.

Some reflections on Christmas
Some reflections on Christmas

In other words, “many Christians do not know that the true spirit of reverence that Muslims show towards Jesus and his mother Maryam (peace and blessings of the Almighty) is coming from the source of their faith, as prescribed in the Holy Quran. There are six beliefs in Islam. These include faith in the oneness of the Most High as the Lord, the Creator and Keeper of the world, faith in His angels, all of whom are intangible beings, faith in all the books that He revealed to His prophets, so that they always lead humanity, as well as in different countries. one that finds completion and conclusion in the Qur’an, faith in His messengers, all of whom were sent to take people from slavery to themselves to repentance and glory in their Creator, faith on the day of resurrection and faith in destiny. Therefore, the religion of Islam seeks to preserve the fundamental and eternal messages that all these prophets of the Almighty carry without exception. In fact, as far as Islam is concerned, one measure of the treasure of religion is its refusal to try to eliminate or humiliate the identity or message of any of the Prophets of the Almighty. Islam is unique in that it confirms that all the prophets of the Almighty were outstanding people; that they were all sent to show mankind how to rise above his hellish passions and attain the etheric, seraphic, spiritual and blissful, in which his eternal success lies.

However, it is ironic to note that, despite the universal approach to the subject of the Prophecy, modern politics in relations between Muslims and Christians functioned in building Islam as an antichrist and, accordingly, an anti-Semite. An ordinary non-Muslim reader of Islam, who pays attention to sensationalism and tricks that are often woven around the Cross and Crescent all over the world, most likely will not be inclined to think and will not be interested in thinking about the reason Jesus Christ is named after the twenty. five times in the quran. He would not stop to ask the question: why does the Most High say the following: here! the angels said, “O Mary! The Almighty will give you the joyful news of Him from the Word: his name will be Al-Masih Isa (Christ Jesus), son of Mary, revered in this world, and in the future, and (company) closest to Him (3:45); Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, was (no more) the apostle of the Almighty .. (Q4: 171)

Thus, a Muslim who despises or treats the prophet Iseh (alayhi salam) with disrespect, did not believe in the fundamental principle of Islam. In fact, reading and rereading the story of the life of Jesus, albeit a short one, but eventful, means, according to Islam, to lead a successful life here on earth and accept everlasting bliss in the future.

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Brethren, I wanted to know if the Prophet Isa has a means of transportation. What type of “machine” did he use on the ground? In what mansion did he live when he was engaged in serving his capricious Jewish society? Did he have a private jet? The brothers that I found is his refusal to own even a camel. He said he did not want to be a servant of a mule or an ass. I thought it was very useful and full of wisdom. Consequently, his abode became the emptiness of the cathedral. His wealth became a constant search for the blessings of the Almighty. The Prophet Isa (as) led a life which, as he knew, could end in the next moment. He was wise enough to know that all material acquisitions are for ruin. But the irony of human life lies in this seeming tendency of people to refuse to learn the lessons that life constantly teaches.

Some reflections on Christmas
Some reflections on Christmas

Brethren, the birth of the prophet Isa (as) was a sign from the Almighty. His prophetic work on earth, as with all the Almighty Prophets who came before him, was a touchstone of service, integrity, love, and compassion. Thus, his life on earth will forever remain an important guide, especially for those who truly identify with his path and desire eternal redemption.

Dear brothers, let us take this opportunity to encourage our Christian compatriots to think more carefully about the eternal messages of the Prophet Isa (alayhi salam). Let me use this Forum to encourage them to reflect on his message about abstinence and abstinence and to consider his message about asceticism and humility. I have to use this environment to encourage my compatriots, who are gathering under the canopy of the Prophet Isa (as), to criticize the present message or the “Gospel” of prosperity and success, which has become a symbol of evangelistic deeds today.

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