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Early Life Of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

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The Story Of Prophet Muhammad: Early Life Of Prophet Muhammad ()

In the 570th year of our era a boy was born who was named after Muhammad and who was destined to become the Prophet of one of the greatest religions of the world, Islam. He was born in a family belonging to the Quraish clan, which held a dominant position in Mecca – one of the main cities of the Hijaz region in northwestern Arabia.

The fact that the most ancient shrine, Kaaba, is located in the city of Mecca, was known to everyone, but in the sixth century, the previously prosperous and most developed southern Arabia fell into decay, and now Mecca is one of the most important centers of commerce, which has strong ties with the empire. Sassanians, Byzantines and Ethiopia. And as a result, it was precisely trade clans that dominated the city, and the most famous of them was the Quraish clan and its representatives.

Muhammad’s father, Abdullah ibn Abdul-Muttalib, died before his son was born; the boy’s mother, Amina, passed away when he was six years old. The orphan found refuge in the house of his grandfather, the head of the Hashim clan. When the grandfather died, his uncle, Abu Talib, took care of raising the boy. As was customary in those days, Muhammad was sent to the desert for a couple of years, to the Bedouin family. This ancient custom , which until recently was still practiced by the famous families of Mecca, Medina, Taif and other cities of Hejaz, had enormous consequences for Muhammad. In addition to the ability to endure with all the life in the desert, he appreciated the wealth of the native language, so beloved by the Arabs, who are proud of their art of conversation, and also learned patience and calmness from the nomadic pastoralists with whom he lived in complete isolation from the rest of the world, and whose lives are not only known, but also appreciated.

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In the year 590, at the age of twenty, Muhammad entered the service as a confidant (representative) of the widow of a merchant, who was called Khadija, who was actively engaged in equipment and sending caravans to the north. He later married her, they had two sons, but none of them survived, and four daughters. Bellow are the names of the Prophet Muhammad children:

  • Qasim ibn Muhammad, (598 – 600 or 601 CE)
  • Zainab bint Muhammad, (599 – 630 CE)
  • Ruqayyah bint Muhammad, (601 – 624 CE)
  • Umm Kulthum bint Muhammad, (603 – 630 CE)
  • Abd-Allah ibn Muhammad, (d. 615 CE)
  • Fatimah bint Muhammad, (ca. 604 – 632 CE)
  • Ibrahim ibn Muhammad, (630 – 631 CE)

When Muhammad turned forty, he began to retire in one of the caves on Mount Hira, located outside of Mecca, where the first significant event in the history of Islam took place. One day, while sitting in a cave, Muhammad heard a voice. The angel Gibreel (Gabriel) addressed him, who ordered him:

“Read in the name of your Lord, who made all things. He made man out of a blood clot. ” (Quran 96: 1-2)

Thrice, Muhammad assured that he could not do this, since he could not read, but each time the order was repeated. Finally, Muhammad spoke the words now known as the first five ayahs of the 96th sura of the Holy Quran, words that say that God is the Creator of all things and the Source of all knowledge.

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The Story Of Prophet Muhammad: Early Life Of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)
The Ka’bah (The Story Of Prophet Muhammad: Early Life Of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ))

Initially, Muhammad spoke about what happened to him, only to his wife and relatives. But when the revelations became more and they needed to inform everyone about the truth of Monotheism, the circle of people to whom he began to preach gradually expanded: at first it was the poor and slaves, and later even the richest and noble people of Mecca. The revelations sent to Muhammad at this time and later were collected in the Quran – the Holy Book of the Muslims.

READ MORE: Biblical Prophecies On The Advent Of Prophet Muhammad

The divine message transmitted by Muhammad was not accepted by all. Even among his relatives and close compatriots there were those who rejected his teachings, and many merchants opposed his call no less actively. However, such opposition of ill-wishers only increased the desire of Muhammad to bring his mission to the end, it allowed him to clearly and distinctly realize how strikingly different are Islam and paganism. Belief in Monotheism is the basis of Islam, and it is from this that all the other consequences of the teachings follow. The verses of the only Quran testify that God is one, those who refused to believe in Him, are warned about the coming punishment, and those who have obeyed His commands are forgiveness and divine grace. They proclaim the Day of Judgment, when God — the Judge — will weigh the faith and the deeds of each person on the scales, and the believers will be rewarded, and the unbelievers will be punished. Since the Quran strongly negatively condemns and rejects polytheism and emphasizes the responsibility of each person for their actions, this Holy Book has become a serious challenge for the Meccan laity.

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